Dean of the Faculty

Lectureship Funds

Each spring, the Dean's office puts out a call for applications for Lectureship Funds, which can be used to bring speakers to Brown for lectures and events in the following academic year. Proposals are due February 17 and the funds may be used for events in the following academic year. Award notifications will be made in mid-March and the funds will be made available for use after July 1st.


As in recent years, lectureship funds should be requested by department chairs and center directors on behalf of their programs. Individual faculty members should bring their own proposals to their chair or director for their consideration. We will consider applications for funding for thematic departmental lecture and colloquia series in addition to special events and conferences.



The Lectureships funds are intended to support events with outstanding individuals from outside the Brown community. The proposals can include a single special event/conference and/or a series of thematic lectures or colloquia beyond a department’s typical lecture or colloquia series that supports the department’s or center’s intellectual and educational mission.


Please note that honoraria generally do not exceed $1,000 per person in these budgets. For online events, the honoraria should be kept below $500 per person. Please keep in mind that in-house speakers cannot receive honoraria. Generally, room and board should not exceed $800 per person. Please limit hospitality expenses where possible. All requests for reimbursement for entertainment expenses must be in compliance with Brown University policies. Lectureship funds may be supplemented by other university or outside sources.


Proposal Preparation

Each department is invited to submit a single proposal that can include requests for support for multiple events or series. When requesting multiple events or series, please indicate the order or priority. For each event or series, please include the following information:

  • Description of the topics and reasons that the event(s) will interest the department and/or the Brown community.
  • Names of speakers (if known at this time.)
  • The anticipated size and nature of the audience for the event(s). Will the event(s) attract graduate students, undergraduate students, faculty, and staff?
  • The way in which the events contribute to community in the department and university.
  • The budget for each event or series. Please consider carefully and enumerate the expenses you anticipate (travel, publicity, e.g.). Where possible, indicate cost sharing with other departmental funding, such as gifts or endowments, or with co-sponsoring departments.

Criteria for Proposal Evaluation

The proposals received will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Importance to the department's and University's mission
  • Cost effectiveness


Please send your requests (one per department) to no later than February 17.

Foreign Visitors

When inviting speakers from abroad, you should inquire about current procedures for independent contractor payments to foreign visitors by contacting the Controller's Office.