Dean of the Faculty

Research Management Support (RMS)

Research Management Support (RMS) provides hands-on assistance to faculty, staff and students throughout the life-cycle of an award.

Support includes pre-award services, such as proposal preparation, submission, and budgeting, and post-award services, including financial management, monthly tracking reports, contract management and grant related hiring. The Research Management Support Group is a resource for the Social Sciences, Humanities, Physical Sciences, and University Administrative Units such as the Library, Graduate School, and the Provost’s office. Our team members have vast knowledge and can provide the tools you need to maximize your grant experience.

The RMS team provides high-level comprehensive pre- and post- award management and has a broad scope and knowledge of research administration and financial matters

Proposal submission / assistance requests and award management questions contact:


Sarah Aneyci, Director of Academic Research Management and Development |

Melissa DeAugustinis, Manager RMS|

Michelle Andolfo, Grants and Financial Manager |

Emma Miceli, Grants and Financial Manager |

Lauren Young, Grants and Financial Manager |

Caryl Jardon, Grants and Financial Specialist | 

Kaitlyn Rabold, Grants and Financial Specialist |

Indrani Solomon, Grants and Financial Specialist |

Karen Costello, Grants and Financial Coordinator |

Kimberly Abbott, Grants and Financial Manager in Chemistry |

Matt Herzfeld, Grant Writer |


“Pre-Award” constitutes anything that facilitates a proposal's creation and submission, prior to the award being received.


Preparing a schedule

  • Provide proposal component checklist
    • Create internal deadlines for proposal components
    • Determine timelines for internal coordination with other departments
    • Collaborate with other institutions and collect subawardee documents

Managing documentation

  • Provide institutional documentation including non-profit status, F&A rate agreement, and financial records 
  • Create Coeus record and if required, create a record in sponsor portal
    • Request basic information from PI to start the Coeus record/proposal application (including PI name, submitting unit, project title, project abstract)
  • Solicit and collect internal proposal documents
    • PI COI
    • PI eligibility form (if required)
    • Cost share commitment form (if required)
  • Collect collaborator/PI CVs, COI’s and letters of commitment
  • Assist with or prepare nonscience documents including:
    • Biographical Sketch
    • Current and Pending Support
    • Facilities and Other Resources

Organizing budget information

  • Budget preparation
    • Review the grant announcement to see if there are special budget restrictions or requirements including budget limits, salary cap, salary charge limit for key personnel, allowed or unallowed costs, indirect costs treatment
    • Draft budget for PI for review
    • Format the budget into both the sponsor’s requested format and Coeus format
    • Assist with drafting the budget narrative, and ensuring it lines up with the budget

Supporting compliance and submission

  • Ensure compliance with all sponsor, federal, and University policies and guidelines
  • Route proposal to OSP for review and approval
  • Create/submit subaward order forms
  • Gather materials and prepare JIT


“Post-award” is the term used for all grant management activities after an award is received. We work with the PI and department administrators to determine the level of post-award involvement needed.


Financial monitoring

  • Review NOA, terms and budget in Workday
  • Review and approve grant-related expenses
  • Run monthly financial reports
  • Help with financial close-outs and reporting
  • Prepare budget modification and no cost-extensions
  • Coordinate salary allocations with departments
  • Assist with cost-transfers and payroll accounting adjustments when needed

Subaward management

  • Communicate with subcontractors to obtain yearly budgets, statements of work, spending plans, and justifications
  • Monitor spending rates 
  • Effort certification assistance as needed
  • Prepare RPPRs
  • Database grant tracking
  • Attend meetings on an as needed basis 
  • Act as the liaison between the department and OSP

Contract management

  • Identify the need for contracts for any individual or company providing a professional service as defined by Brown Policy
  • Work with department admin or PI to obtain required information to complete the BCM contract request
  • Act as a liaison for the department and SPCI reviewers should any questions arise that delay approval of the contract request  
  • Upon contract execution, create requisition in Workday
  • Submit all invoices for payment through Workday and follow through to ensure payment 
  • Update suppliers as needed and respond to invoice inquiries
  • Track receipt of sub awardee invoices and request invoices to ensure timely spend of grant funds 
  • Amend contracts prior to expiration date to extend additional funding for additional grant work in future years