Comprehensive grant proposal writing and editing support, plus process management assistance.
Get support with developing or refining your proposal narrative to make it more compelling, concise, and accessible to the evaluation committee audience.
Most successful grant proposals combine technical knowledge with a hint of marketing flair in order to demonstrate how funders can get the strongest return on the investment of their grant dollars. You know your work is exciting and valuable, we know your work is exciting and valuable; let us help you get your funding agencies to see your work in the same light.
Support is available at all levels of proposal narrative development, including:
advice and mentoring for how to navigate the entire grant proposal process, including scheduling and liaising with administrative staff;
drafting, editing, and revision of proposal components such as abstracts, narratives, budget justifications, data management plans, and other technical documents;
developmental editing to help conceptualize and structure proposal narratives, especially with regard to communicating project goals as they relate to broader impacts and the objectives and missions of funders;
guidance on the inclusion of tables, charts, or other figures, plus basic graphic design services;
understanding compliance with funder guidelines and requirements;
reviews and feedback on narrative style, language, and cohesion;
copyediting and proofreading;
assistance with letters of support, letters of intent, letters of support, etc.
This support is available to all faculty from the departments and centers within the Dean of the Faculty. Early-career faculty and faculty with limited grant experience are especially encouraged to ask about grant writing support.
Editorial support to faculty in other schools or departments and for other non-grant projects (e.g., book proposals and manuscripts) is also offered, depending on staff availability.