Dean of the Faculty

Directors of Graduate Studies in the physical and university life sciences, humanities, and social sciences may choose between two compensation models.  DGS's of programs with more than 30 students who serve for three years may blend the two models by taking one course of relief and one year of research funds. DGSs who serve for three years in programs with more than 100 students may blend the two options by taking one course of relief and two years of research funds.

Option One: annually accruing teaching relief on the following scale*:

1.             0.67 course reduction: Programs with a 3-year average of 60 or more graduate students

2.             .5 course reduction: Programs with a 3-year average of 20 or more graduate students

3.             .33 course reduction: Programs with a 3-year average of fewer than 20 graduate students

Option Two: an annual research fund on the following scale:

1.             $2,500: Programs with a 3-year average of up to 15 graduate students

2.             $3,500: Programs with a 3-year average of 16 to 30 graduate students

3.             $5,000: Programs with a 3-year average of more than 30 graduate students

4.             $7,500: Programs with a 3-year average of more than 60 graduate students

5.             $10,000: Programs with a 3-year average of more than 100 graduate students

Program size will be based on a three-year average provided by the Graduate School.  It includes active PhD or MFA students (not Open Graduate Education program students or Deans’ Faculty Fellows, for instance).

Taking Option One will imply at least two years of service in larger programs and three years of service in smaller programs, and the course release may not be used in the first year of service.  DGS’s taking a 0.67 course reduction will be eligible for course relief in the 2nd and 3rd year of their term. DGS’s in large departments may choose to take one course off after two years and then receive the research stipend in year three (or receive a stipend then course relief).  If, on the other hand, a DGS served for only one year, their only option would be to take the research stipend. DGSs must teach at least one course during the academic year to qualify for teaching relief under this program, unless written approval for additional course relief is provided by the Dean of the Faculty.

*This policy applies only to the DGS for Ph.D. graduate students and MFA students, not to terminal masters students, and program size is based on a rolling average of Ph.D. graduate and MFA students only. If the rolling average of your program size changes over the course of your term as DGS, you will be credited with the larger size for the purposes of course relief.  For example, if you received 1/2 of a course of relief in your first year, and only 1/3 in your second year because of declining graduate enrollments, you would still receive one course of relief for the two years of service.